Packaging Masterclass

Packaging Masterclass

How will your brand stand out from the crowd?

Demanding consumers have forced manufacturers to innovate and release an ever-increasing number of FMCG products in the market every year. Meanwhile, tough market conditions and steep competition make retailers strive even harder to increase store productivity, reducing shelf space.

Optimal packaging design is crucial to grabbing consumers' attention, sparking their curiosity and gaining their trust. There is no simple recipe for success, but experts will make sure you leave Private Label & Licensing Middle East with a list of tactical enhancements to boost your in-store exposure.

Tetra Pak is the official advisor and partner of the Packaging Masterclass. 

Tetra pak


Register to attend Private Label & Licensing Middle East



Product Placement

Product Placement

Clean Label

Labeling Requirements

Trusted Brands

Building Trust

Pricing & Promotions

Point-of-Sale Activations

Packaging Masterclass Agenda

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*The agenda will be updated on a regular basis and is subject to change. 


Tetra Pak packaging masterclass private label

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor | Private Label Middle East

Session Sponsor